Cabin Leader
Cabin leading is a difficult but rewarding job. They are with their campers 24 hours a day, but also have opportunities to see the most change in the campers they are working with. This is a position for anyone that likes working with kids, and loves leading others to follow Christ. Cabin leaders need to arrive at 8am on the first day of camp.
If you love fixing things, then you would love our maintenance team. There are always things that need to be fixed at camp.
Food Service (Click here for more details about food service positions)
If you love cooking, cutting, or baking, then you will love seeing the smiling faces that come to eat what you help to make. Click here for more details about the various food service options
Crew (Custodial)
Our Crew are Jr high and High school students that want to serve. They clean bathrooms and dishes, have their own games and swim times, and make great friendships. Our Crew leaders are adults that love working with Jr high and high school students, and teaching them how to work hard while having fun. Crew is a great opportunity to serve and grow as the leaders emphasize discipleship and service.
Camp Store
Our camp store manager keeps track of inventory and sales in the camp store.
If you love to make crafts almost as much as you love to teach others to make crafts, then you will love camp crafts. Teach kids to make crafts like para-cord bracelets.
Program and Activities
Camp is a lot of fun, and part of that fun comes from leaders that love games and activities and teach kids to have fun. This position is for people that are outgoing, don't mind being up front in a crowd, and want to help camp to be the most fun possible.
If you love working with kids, and are either a trained nurse or a trained paramedic, then we want you to join with us for a week (or more) of camp.