Our Staff
All of our staff are volunteers or missionaries. Our missionaries are supported by churches and individuals and do not receive their salaries from Forward Bible Camp.
Mitch & Tami McEfee
Mitch McEfee is the Executive Director at Forward Bible Camp. Tami helps with camp finances and registration. They have been serving together at FBC since 2001. Mitch and Tami are missionaries with InFaith.
To join the support team of Mitch and Tami McEfee, please visit InFaith at: infaith.org/mitch-tami-mcefee
TJ & Charissa Morris
TJ Morris is the Program Director at Forward Bible Camp. Charissa helps with staffing and staff training. They have been serving together at FBC since 2006. TJ and Charissa are missionaries with InFaith. Their kids Ian, Madilynn, Konner, Oliver, and Annalise love living at camp.
To join the support team of TJ & Charissa Morris, please visit InFaith at: infaith.org/timothy-charissa-morris
At Forward Bible Camp this summer, both my son and I served as counselors for the Junior High boys. Summer camp at Forward was the perfect place to begin vocalizing the testimony of God's work. Thank you for creating opportunities to minister at Forward Bible Camp. The opportunities are often key growth opportunities for young adults which make them better prepared to represent Christ after camp.
-Keith S.